Compatibility ============= The following define the WPS process requirements to be compatible with the ESGF end-user API. Included are various examples of the WPS process inputs_ and output_. Original document_. .. _Document: Full examples_. Inputs ------ .. _Inputs: The **datainputs** parameter will consist of the following three types. - Domain_ - Variable_ - Operation_ Domain ^^^^^^ .. _Domain: This WPS input should use the identifier **domain**. The input will be passed an array of domains that are comprised of one or more dimensions_. - id *[Required]* - mask_ *[Optional]* - One ore more dimensions_ keyed using a descriptive identifier. *[Required]* Example:: domain=[{"id":"d0", ...}, {"id":"d1", ...}] Domain Example:: { "id":"d0", "latitude": { "start": 0.0, "end": 45.0, "step": 1.5, "crs": "values", }, "longitude": { "start": 10, "end": 20, "crs": "indices", }, "time": { "start": 1981, "end": 2016, "crs": "values", }, } Dimension """"""""" .. _Dimensions: Dimensions describe either a spatial or temporal space. - start *[Required]* - stop *[Required]* - step *[Optional]* - crs *[Required]* Example:: {"start": 0.0, "end": 90.0, "step": 1, "crs": "indices"} Mask """" .. _Mask: Defines a mask to be applied to the variable_. The acceptable values for operation are constants, *mask_data*, *var_data* and any function implemented by the server. i.e. sin(*var_data*), etc - uri *[Required]* - id *[Required]* - operation *[Required]* Example: {"uri": "http://.../", "id": "tas", "operation": "mask_data>0.5"} Variable ^^^^^^^^ .. _Variable: This WPS input should use the identifier **variable**. The input will be passed an array of variables that define all inputs for the process. - id *[Required]* - Can be extended with a **|** followed by an identifier that will be used to reference the *Variable* - uri *[Required]* - domain *[Optional]* Example:: variable=[{"id": "tas|v0", ...}, {"id": "tas|v1", ...}] Variable Example:: {"id": "tas|v0", "uri": "http://.../", "domain": "d0"} Operation ^^^^^^^^^ .. _Operation: This WPS input should use the identifier **operation**. The input will be passed an array of operations. - name *[Required]* - input *[Required]* - List of inputs - result *[Optional]* - Name that can be referenced by other operations when creating workflows - domain *[Optional]* - axes *[Optional]* - gridder_ *[Optional]* - Zero or more additional parameters *[Optional]* **Notes:** Axes and additional parameter values can be a single value or multiple separated by a \|. Example:: operation=[{"name":"CDS.timeBin", ...},{"name": "CDS.diff2", ...}] Operation Example:: { "name": "CDS.timeBin", "input": ["v0"], "result": "cycle", "domain": "d0", "axes": "time", "bins": "t|month|ave|year", } Gridder """"""" .. _Gridder: Defines the regridder to use for the operation it's passed to. - tool *[Required]* - method *[Required]* - grid *[Required]* Example:: {"tool": "esmf", "method": "linear", "grid": "T42"} Operation Example:: { "name": "averager.multi_model_ensemble_mv", "gridder": { "tool": "esmf", "method": "linear", "grid": "T42", }, ... } Output ------ .. _Output: The WPS process should only have a single output_ whose identifier is **output**. - uri *[Required]* - id *[Optional]* - domain *[Optional]* - mime-type *[Optional]* Example:: { "uri": "http://..../", "id": "tas_avg_mon", "domain": {"id":"d0", ...}, "mime-type": "x-application/netcdf", } Full Examples ------------- .. _Examples: :: import esgf NH = esgf.Domain(dimensions=[ esgf.Dimension(0.0, 90.0, esgf.Dimension.values, name='latitude'), ], name = 'd0') tas = esgf.Variable('http://.../', 'tas', name='v0', domains=[NH]) wps = esgf.WPS('http://.../wps') avg = wps.get_process('') parameters = [ esgf.NamedParameter('axes', 'latitude'), ] avg.execute([tas], domain=None, parameters) Formed Url:: http://.../wps?service=WPS&version=1.0.0&request=execute&[ domain=[{"id":"d0","latitude":{"start":0.0,"end":90.0,"step":1.0,"crs":"values"}}]; variable=[{"id":"tas|tas","uri":"http://.../",domain="d0"}]; operation=[{"name":"","input":["v0"],"axes":"latitude"}]; ]&storeexecuteresponse=false&status=&false